PlayTales Books Classic ئاپەکان

The Three Little Pigs 1.0.0
A little brother and sister pig that waste time playing ortalkingon cell phones, an older brother that makes a house withheavymachinery, a big bad motorcyclist wolf, and a forest inhabitedby amultitude of eccentric animals that come to life inthisentertaining story…Enjoy this all-time classic readapted to today’s worldthat,apart from having fun, teaches the values of responsibilityandperseverance to little ones.17 pages with original drawings, a multitude of animationsandsounds per scene and the possibility to read it yourself ifthat’swhat you prefer. From age 1 year and up.
La Biblia
PlayTales recopila y adapta algunos de los pasajesmássignificativos de la Biblia pensando en los más pequeños delhogar.Sus delicadas ilustraciones, su lenguaje sencillo ysussimpáticas animaciones les permitirá familiarizarse conelcristianismo de un modo fácil y ameno.Aprenderán sobre la vida de los profetas, el Arca de Noé,losmilagros de Jesús... ¡y mucho más!
Peter Pan
Prepare yourself for the adventure of a lifetime!Enjoy this children’s classic brought to life withinnovativetechnology and interactive features! Join Peter Pan andall hisfriends in this magical storybook featuring 25 pages fullofbeautiful illustration, engaging animation, fun sound effects,tonsof interactivity, and original music. You can enjoy listeningtothe narrator read the story or choose to read it yourself withourvarious reading modes: “Read to Me”, “AutoPlay”, and “ReadbyMyself”.Download “Peter Pan” and begin on your grand adventure inNeverlandtoday!
Halloween Party 1.0.0
All is being prepared in the haunted house for their favouriteparty of the year, the Halloween Party!But, who said it was going to be scary? With friendly monsters,cute vampires and many more surprises, Halloween Party is theperfect book for the smallest of children to learn to enjoy thisspecial day. Try out this terrifyingly fun story…if you dare!!
Blancanieves y Los 7 Enanitos
¡Aprende a apreciar la Amistad y la Amabilidad por encima delaenvidia y las malas intenciones!Blancanieves es una bella princesa que vive en un gran castilloconsu querido papá.Todo es perfecto hasta que aparece su nueva madrastra, unaoscuramujer que tiene unos celos terribles de la belleza deBlancanieves.La malvada madrastra planeará la manera de deshacersede la bellaprincesa para siempre pero… ¿Lo conseguirá? ¿ViviráBlancanievesfeliz para siempre? ¡Tendrás que leer el cuento paraaveriguarlo!Learntoappreciate the Friendship and Kindness above envy andbadintentions!Snow White is a beautiful princess who lives in a big castlewithher beloved father.Everything is perfect until you see his new stepmother, a darkwomanwith terrible jealousy of Snow White's beauty. The wickedstepmotherwill plan how to get rid of the beautiful princessforever but ...Did you succeed? Happy White Will you live forever?You'll have toread the story to find out!
Mi primera orquesta HD 1.0.0
¡Atención, atención ¡Da comienzo la función! Aprende con estasimpática banda de animalitos las diferentes familias deinstrumentos musicales. Practica con el tambor, la flauta, elviolín...¡y crea tus propias melodías!Mi Primera Orquesta es el libro ideal para que los más pequeñosde la casa den sus primeros pasos en el mundo de la música. ¡No telo pierdas!Attention,attention function Begins! Learn with this nice band of animals ofdifferent families of musical instruments. Practice with the drum,flute, violin ... and make your own songs!My First Orchestra is the ideal book for the little ones in thehouse take their first steps into the world of music. Do not missit!
Once upon a time....GOLF 1.0.0
This bilingual (english/spanish) storybooktells the story of Sergio and Belen, two siblings who always enjoyspending summer at their grandparents house. One day theirgrandfather tells them about an ancient sport that has been playedfor hundreds of years; this is how the two children discover thewonderful game of golf. Eventually they both grow to love playinggolf and try very hard to become the best at it.One day, after a lot of practice, little Belen decides to playon a real golf course just like her older brother. She meetsNanacroc, a wise old frog who accompanies Belen around the golfcourse and teaches her all the rules and secrets of the sport.Once Upon a Time there was Golf is a charming story narrated byprofessional golfer Sergio Garcia and is ideal for teaching littleones about the values of sportsmanship and self-motivation.Proceeds from this story will benefit the Sergio Golf Foundation, anon-profit that organizes, promotes, and funds golf clinics forchildren.
Mes amies les planètes HD 1.0.0
*** Voyage au cœur du système solaire avec PlayTales!***N’aimerais-tu pas voyager dans l’espace? T’imagines-tu la vied’un astronaute? Mes amies les planètes est une promenade a traversle système solaire, où tu connaitras chacune des huit planètes quile forment.En commençant par Mercure, la planète la plus rapide, jusqu’àNeptune, la plus frileuse de toutes les sœurs de cette famillespatiale.De plus, il y a des mini-jeux et des activités dans ce conte quit’aideront à apprendre les chiffres, les formes et lesparticularités de chaque planète…Tu deviendras un expertastronome!Cela va beaucoup te plaire!Caractéristiques spéciales• Divertissement interactif garanti• Illustrations colorées.• Texte narratif avec voix.• Musique et effets sonores originaux.• Option “Raconte-moi”, “Je lis moi-même” et “Autoplay”.• Adapté aux enfants de 3 ans et plus.***Journey to the heart of the solar system with PlayTales! ***Do you like to travel in space? Can you imagine the life of anastronaut? My friends planets is a walk through the solar system,you will know where each of the eight planets that form.Starting with Mercury, the planet faster to Neptune, the mostcautious of all the sisters of this family space.In addition, there are mini-games and activities in this storythat will help you learn numbers, shapes and features of eachplanet ... You will become an expert astronomer!This goes far to please you!Special Features• Interactive entertainment guaranteed• Illustrations colored.• Text with narrative voice.• Original music and sound effects.• Option "Tell me", "I read it myself" and "Autoplay".• Suitable for children aged 3 years and over.
Qu’est-ce qu’on dit Mike?
Un jour, en jouant à que vois-tu, Judy serendit compte que son petit frère Mike, ne savait pas encore parler! Alors elle décide de lui donner un coup de main et de luiapprendre ses premiers mots. C’est ainsi que Mike apprendra àsaluer, à demander les choses poliment et à remercier.“Qu’est-ce qu’on dit Mike” est une histoire touchante et idéalepour que les tout petits puissent découvrir comment se comportersocialement avec le monde qui les entoure. Ne le manquez pas !
L’arche de Noé 1.0.0
** Aide Noé et son fils à rentrer les animauxdans l’arche! **L’arche de Noé est un conte parfait pour les plus petits. Noé etson fils doivent trouver et capturer les animaux pour les mettredans l’arche. Il est important qu’ils en attrapent deux de chaqueespèce pour ne pas qu’ils se sentent seuls.Le petit Noé doit trouver les chèvres dans la montagne, lescrocodiles dans le fleuve et les serpents sous terre!L’arche de Noé est un conte plein de surprises à découvrir. Quinzepages de toutes les couleurs avec des effets sonores amusants etune multitude d’éléments interactifs très plaisants pour les pluspetits. Evidemment, avec l’option Autoplay disponible. A partir de3 ans.Caractéristiques supplémentaires. Surprises interactives garanties!!. 15 pages de graphisme en couleur.. Narration du texte.. Charmants effets sonores!. Musique originale. Option “ je lis moi-même” ou “raconte-moi”. Pour lecteurs de 3 ans et plusHelp ** Noah and his sonto return the animals to the ark! **Noah's Ark is a perfect tale for children. Noah and his son mustfind and capture animals and put them in the ark. It is importantthat they catch two of each species so they do not feelalone.Noah must find the little goats in the mountains, the rivercrocodiles and snakes underground!Noah's Ark is a story full of surprises. Fifteen pages of allcolors with fun sound effects and a multitude of interactiveelements very pleasant for children. Obviously, with the Autoplayoption available. From 3 years.Additional Features. Interactive surprises guaranteed!. 15 pages of color graphics.. Narrative text.. Charming sound effects!. Original Music by. Option "I read myself" or "tell me". For readers ages 3 and up
L’arca di Noè HD 1.0.0
*** Aiuta Noè e Noelito a sistemare tutti gli animalettisull’arca!***L’arca di Noè è una storia perfetta per i più piccoli dellacasa! Noè e Noelito devono trovare e catturare tanti animali persistemarli sull’arca.Dovranno selezionare due animali per ciascuna specie, in questomodo i loro amici non si sentiranno soli!Noelito dovrà scovare le capre in mezzo ai monti, stanare icoccodrilli nei fiumi, e far uscire i serpenti da sotto terra!L’arca di Noè ti stupirà con tante sorprese, le sue quindicipagine ti offrono coloratissime illustrazioni, tantissimeanimazioni, effetti sonori simpaticissimi, ed un’infinità dielementi interattivi per i più piccoli della casa.E senza dimenticare l’opzione Autoplay disponibile!A partire dai 3 anni in poi.Caratteristiche aggiuntive:- Sorprese interattive garantite!- 15 pagine di illustrazioni a colori.- Testo con voce narrante.- Incredibili effetti sonori.- Musiche totalmente originali.- Opzione “Lo leggo io”, “Leggimelo”, o “Autoplay”, per diversilivelli di lettura.- Per lettori dai 3 anni in poi.Help ***Noah and Noelito to fix all the animals on the ark! ***Noah's Ark is a perfect story for the children of the house!Noah and Noelito must find and catch lots of animals to place themon the ark.Will select two animals for each species, so their friends will notfeel alone!Noelito will find the goats in the mountains, dig out thecrocodiles in the rivers, and to release the snakes out of theground!Noah's Ark will amaze you with many surprises, the fifteen pagesoffer you colorful illustrations, many animations, sound effects,very nice, and a host of interactive elements for children of thehouse.And not forgetting the Autoplay option available!From 3 years old.Features:- Surprises interactive guaranteed!- 15 pages of color illustrations.- Text narrator.- Incredible sound effects.- Music wholly original.- Option "I read it I", "Read it to me," or "Autoplay", fordifferent levels of reading.- For readers aged 3 years and over.
My Friendly Planets 1.0.0
***Travel through the Solar System with PlayTales!***Wouldn’t you like to travel to space? Can you imagine life as anastronaut? My Friendly Planets is a story about the solar System,where you get to know each of the 8 planets in our system.You’ll get to know the whole space family, starting with Mercury,the fastest planet, until you get to Neptune, the coldest of thesiblings.In addition, there will be mini-games and activities in thistale that will help you learn the names, shapes, and personalitiesof each planet…. You will become an expert astronomer!You´re going to love it!SPECIAL FEATURES:• Interactive fun•Full-color illustrations• Voice-narrated text♫ Music and original sound effects• “Read it to me”, “Read me” and “Autoplay” Options• Suitable for children 3 and older
Teha, el Viento 1.0.0
Vuela con Teha y Hojita a medida que descubren la magia de lanaturaleza y aprenden sobre la amistad, el trabajo en equipo, y ano darse por vencido.Regala a tu hijo la oportunidad de volar con Teha, el “AgenteEspecial del Aire” y con su amigo del bosque, Hojita, a medida quedescubren la diversión hechos fascinantes sobre la naturaleza yaprender a participar con confianza con el mundo.Con tres modos diferentes de lectura: "léemelo", "autoplay" y"leerlo yo mismo", así como 20 páginas llenas de diversióninteractiva, esta historia es perfecta para niños de 3 a 10años.Ilustraciones impresionantes de Cherie y Knott Bronwyn y unahistoria que demuestra el poder de creer en uno mismo.Ayuda al crecimiento y desarrollo de tu hijo encendiendo suimaginación y su curiosidad a través de:- La resolución de problemas.- Habilidades cognitivas; analizar, predecir y negociar.- Datos curiosos sobre la naturaleza que animarán a tu hijo hacersus propias preguntas sobre el medio.Mejora las habilidades lingüísticas y de lectura de tu hijocon:- Habilidades de pre-lectoras, la fonética, la repetición, rima,descripciciones.- Familiaridad con una estructura narrativa tradicional- Mejora el reconocimiento de palabras- Texto “read-along” que marca el ritmo de lectura.Creado por la editorial Easy Tiger Creations y Magic LearningTree, galardonadas internacionalmente, y expertos en lenguajeinfantil.Fly withHojita Teha and as they discover the magic of nature and learnabout friendship, teamwork, and not giving up.Give your child the opportunity to fly with Teha, the "SpecialAgent Air" and his friend the forest, Hojita, as they discover thefun fascinating facts about nature and learn to engage confidentlywith the world.With three different reading modes: 'Read to Me "," autoplay"and" read it myself "and 20 pages of interactive fun, this storyis perfect for children aged 3-10 years.Awesome artwork Knott Cherie and Bronwyn and a story thatdemonstrates the power of believing in oneself.Help the growth and development of your son firing theirimagination and curiosity through:- The resolution of problems.- Cognitive skills, analyze, predict and negotiate.- Fun facts about nature that will encourage your child to do theirown questions about the middle.Improves language and reading skills your child:- Pre-reading skills, phonics, repetition, rhyme,descripciciones.- Familiarity with a traditional narrative structure- Improved recognition of words- Text "read-along" that sets the pace of reading.Created by the publisher and Magic Easy Tiger Creations LearningTree, honored internationally and experts in child language.
Teha, das Windmädchen 1.0.1
Fliege mit Teha, dem Windmädchen‚Spezialagentin der Lüfte’ und ihrem Freund Billy Blatt wenn siedie Magie und das Wissen der Natur entdecken und lernen was esheißt, Freunde zu sein, als Team zu arbeiten und nicht aufzugeben.Erhältlich in 3 verschiedenen Lese-Möglichkeiten: ‚Vorlesen’‚Selber lesen’ und ‚Autoplay’ mit über 20 Seiten vollerinteraktivem Spaß, ist diese Geschichte perfekt für Kinder von 3 –10 Jahren. Neben Deutsch ist sie auch zum downloaden in Englischund Spanisch erhältlich.Mit wunderschönen Illustrationen von Cherie und Bronwyn Knott,erzählt von Jacky Laverty, demonstriert diese Geschichte die Kraftin uns selbst und das wirklicher Zauber nur soweit weg ist wie dernächste Wind, der in den Blättern eines Baumes spielt.CHARAKTERISTIKEN:- Hilft bei der Entwicklung der Sprach- und Lese-Fähigkeiten IhresKindes durch unterstützte Wort-Erkennungs-Technologie.- Interessanten Fakten über die Natur erwecken eigene Fragen undGedanken in ihrem Kind.- Fördert kreative Problemlösungen und kognitive Fähigkeiten wieAnalysieren, Voraussagen und Verhandeln.EIGENSCHAFTEN:- Garantierter interaktiver Spass!- Bezaubernde, wunderschöne Illustrationen.- Originelle Musik und Soundeffekte.- Geignet für Kinder zwischen 3 – 10 JahrenKreiert von den, mit internationalen Preisen ausgezeichneten,Entwicklern von Easy Tiger Creations und einem Kinder Spach- undEndwicklungs-Experten.Fly with Teha, the windgirl, Special Agent of the skies' and her boyfriend Billy sheetwhen they discover the magic and the knowledge of nature and learnwhat it means to be friends, to work as a team and not give up.Available in 3 different reading options: Storytelling ', readit yourself,' and 'Autoplay' with over 20 pages of interactive fun,this story is perfect for children 3-10 years. Besides German, sheis also available for download in English and Spanish.With beautiful illustrations by Bronwyn and Cherie Knott, toldby Jacky Laverty, this story demonstrates the power withinourselves and the real magic is only as far away as the nearestwind plays in the leaves of a tree.FEATURES:- Assists in the development of language and literacy skills ofyour child through assisted word-recognition technology.- Interesting facts about the nature bring your own questions andthoughts in their child.- Encourages creative problem solving and cognitive skills such asanalyzing, predicting and negotiation.FEATURES:- Guaranteed interactive fun!- Beautiful, beautiful illustrations.- Original music and sound effects.- Suitable for children aged 3 - 10 yearsCreated by, international award-winning, developers of EasyTiger Creations and children Spach and Endwicklungs experts.
Los tres cerditos
Érase una vez, tres cerditos que necesitabanun refugio donde estar a salvo del lobo feroz. Cada uno de ellos,construyó una casita diferente pero... ¡no todas resistirían elsoplido del hambriento lobo!Los tres cerditos es una tierna historia con la que los niñosaprenderán que el esfuerzo y la constancia son las herramientasnecesarias para conseguir todo lo que nos propongamos.PlayTales presenta una simpática versión del cuento clásicopensado para los más pequeños. Con sus divertidas animaciones, susilustraciones a todo color y un texto sencillo pero cargado desimbolismo, “Los tres cerditos” se convierte en un cuento idealpara disfrutar en familia. Pásalo en grande con las aventuras deestos astutos hermanitos y ayúdales a escapar de un lobo tontorrón.¡No te lo pierdas!Once upon a time, threelittle pigs a shelter where they needed to be safe from the big badwolf. They each built a different house but ... not all resist theblowing of the hungry wolf!The Three Little Pigs is a tender story that children will learnthat hard work and perseverance are the tools to get everything wepropose.PlayTales has a nice version of the classic tale intended forchildren. With fun animations, its colorful illustrations andsimple text but full of symbolism, "Three Little Pigs" becomes anideal place for families to enjoy the story. Enjoy yourself withthe adventures of these clever little brothers and help them escapea goofy wolf. Do not miss it!
God made you special
The new interactive book from VeggieTales ishere! “God Made You Special” is the perfect story for teachinglittle ones that God made each and every one of us special andunique!“God Make You Special,” Veggie friends explain how God made themdifferent and how special it makes them feel. And - the Veggies canhelp you discover what is unique about you and what makes youspecial too!“God Made You Special” teaches children about self-confidenceand self-worth in an entertaining and interactive way. Featuringcolorful scenes, eye-catching animations, and exciting soundeffects this story makes learning and reading fun for the wholefamily.Enjoy two different reading modes; you can choose to read thestory yourself or let the VeggieTales characters narrate the storyfor you! There’s also a read-along feature with highlighted wordsso little ones can follow the words as they’re read aloud.Join your VeggieTales friends and discover how truly special youare! Don’t miss out on this adorable interactive story!
Teha, le vent 1.0.0
Vole avec Teha et Petite Feuille tandis qu’ilsdécouvrent la magie de la nature, le sens de l’amitié, le travailen groupe, et apprennent à ne jamais s’avouer vaincus.Offrez à vos enfants l’opportunité de voler avec Teha, « l’agentspécial des airs » et son ami de la forêt Petite Feuille, ilsdécouvriront des divertissements fascinants autour de la nature etapprendront à interagir sereinement avec le monde qui lesentoure.Avec trois modes de lecture différents : « Lis le-moi », «lecture automatique » et « je le lis seul », environ 20 pagespleines de divertissements interactifs, cette histoire estparfaitement adaptée aux enfants de 3 à 10 ans.Des illustrations impressionnantes de Cherie et Knott Bronwyn etune histoire qui enseigne le pouvoir de croire en soi-même.Aidez votre enfant à se développer et à grandir en stimulant sonimagination et sa curiosité à travers :- La résolution de problèmes.- Des aptitudes cognitives : analyser, discerner et négocier.- Des informations amusantes à propos de la nature quiencourageront votre enfant à se poser ses propres questions sur cequi l’entoure. Améliorer les aptitudes linguistiques et la lecturede votre enfant avec :- Les aptitudes de pré-lectures, la phonétique, la répétition, larime, les descriptions.- La familiarisation avec une structure narrativetraditionnelle- Améliorer la reconnaissance des mots.- Un texte « read-along » qui marque le rythme de lecture.Créé par les éditions Easy Tiger Creations et Magic LearningTree, lauréats internationaux et experts en langage infantile.Flies with Teha andLittle Leaf while they discover the magic of nature, the meaning offriendship, teamwork, and learn to never admit defeat.Give your children the opportunity to fly with Teha, "SpecialAgent of the air" and his friend Little Leaf forest, they discoverfascinating entertainment around nature and learn to interactpeacefully with the world around them.With three different playback modes: "Read to me", "autoplay"and "I read only" about 20 pages full of interactive entertainment,this story is perfectly suitable for children 3 to 10 years.Impressive illustrations and Cherie Knott Bronwyn and a story thatteaches the power of believing in oneself.Help your child to develop and grow by stimulating theirimagination and curiosity through:- Problem solving.- Cognitive skills: analyze, identify and negotiate.- Some fun facts about nature that will encourage your child to asktheir own questions about what surrounds it. Improve languageskills and reading with your child:- The pre-reading skills, phonics, repetition, rhyme,descriptions.- Familiarity with a traditional narrative structure- Improved recognition of words.- A "read-along" text that marks the rhythm of reading.Created by Editions Easy Tiger Creations and Magic Learning TreeInternational winners and experts in child language.
Dios te hizo especial
¡Ya está aquí lo último de Veggietales! Unnuevo libro interactivo con el que los más pequeños de la casaaprenderán que todos somos especiales y diferentes entre sí.¡Porque así nos hizo Dios!Descubrir que cada uno de nosotros tiene algo que nos haceúnicos es fundamental para afrontar cada día con ilusión yentusiasmo. Por eso, Larry el pepino, Bob el tomate y todos losamigos de Veggietales, quieren ayudarnos a encontrar aquello quenos define personalmente, esa virtud que Dios nos concedió y por laque somos especiales.“Dios te hizo especial” es una historia llena de valorestransmitidos de manera amena y divertida. Sus escenas llenas decolor, sus divertidas animaciones y estimulantes sonidos, loconvierten en el libro ideal para disfrutar en familia,consiguiendo que los niños aprendan mientras se divierten.Gracias a sus diferentes modos de lectura, podrás escoger entreleerlo tú mismo o dejar que los propios Veggietales te cuenten suhistoria. Y, además, podrás seguir fácilmente la lectura connuestro sistema “read along” mediante el cual las palabras se irániluminando para ayudarte a mantener el ritmo.Acompaña a tu amigos, los Veggietales, y descubre por qué eresespecial.¡No te lo pierdas!It's here the latest fromVeggieTales! A new interactive book that smaller house learn thateveryone is special and different. For so did God!Discover that each of us has something that makes us unique isessential to approach each day with optimism and enthusiasm. SoLarry the cucumber, Bob the tomato and all the VeggieTales friends,want to help you find what defines us personally, that virtue whichGod gave us and that we are special."God made you special" is a story full of transmitted values​​in an entertaining and fun way. His scenes full of color, its funanimations and sounds exciting, make it the ideal book for familiesto enjoy, getting children to learn while having fun.Thanks to the different ways of reading, you can choose to readit yourself or let the Veggietales tell you their own story. Andbesides, you can easily follow along with our "read along" by whichwords will illuminate to help you keep up.Accompany your friends, Veggietales, and discover why you arespecial.Do not miss it!
Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer 1.0.0
PlayTales presenta uno de los grandes clásicosde la literatura estadounidense: Tom Sawyer, una historia cargadade valores ideal para transmitir a los niños la importancia de lajusticia, la amistad y la familia.Sus divertidas animaciones, sus ilustraciones a todo color y sustextos redactados de manera sencilla pero completa, convierten estelibro en la manera ideal de acercar a los más pequeños la gran obrade Mark Tawin.Disfruta en familia de esta adaptación de la mítica novela yacompaña a Tom, Huck y Becky en su inolvidable aventura repleta demisterios sin resolver. Un villano furtivo, un tesoro oculto, unacueva secreta y mucho más te espera en este viaje inolvidable aorillas del río Misisipi. ¿A qué estás esperando?PlayTales presents one ofthe great classics of American literature: Tom Sawyer, a historyloaded perfect for giving children the importance of justice,friendship and family values.Its funny animations, its color illustrations and texts writtenin simple but complete, make this book the ideal way to bring thesmaller the great work of Mark Tawin.Enjoy a family this adaptation of the legendary novel andaccompanies Tom, Huck and Becky in his unforgettable adventure fullof unsolved mysteries. A sneaky villain, a hidden treasure, asecret cave and much more awaits you in this unforgettable journeyon the banks of the Mississippi River. So what are you waitingfor?
Je suis Theo 1.0.0
Découvrez la jolie histoire de Theo, pleine dejoie et haute en couleurs ! Découvrez sa journée bien remplie, etles activités partagées par Theo et ses deux amis Berthe etGeorges.Suis-les dans leurs activités très amusantes, joue au cheval àbascule, au cerf-volant et découvre encore bien d´autres surprisesfabuleuses ! Regarde-les reprendre des forces avec un goûter trèsappétissant…Que vont-ils faire ? Que va-t-il leur arriver ? Découvre-le dèsmaintenant en lisant cette merveilleuse histoire !Theo est l´application indispensable pour stimuler la créativité etl´imagination des enfants. Votre enfant apprendra les bases de lalecture et de l´orthographe tout en s´amusant ! Une combinaisonintelligente entre loisirs et apprentissage, qui lui fera découvrirle monde passionnant du multimédia dans une interface adaptée à sonâge et à ses capacités. Il - et vous par la même occasion - vaadorer !Tapotez l´écran pour découvrir une multitude d´animationsmerveilleuses ! Il y a toujours une surprise inattendue à découvrir!CARASTÉRISTIQUES:- Interface colorée et interactive.- 30 pages animées.- Entre 2 et 6 animations très amusantes par page.- Association mot/image afin de faciliter l´apprentissage.- Les mots peuvent être répétés à volonté.- Écriture à la main et dactylographiée pour habituer l´œil del´enfant.- Résumé de tous les mots traités à la fin du livre.Discover the beautifulstory of Theo, joyful and colorful! Discover his busy day andactivities shared by Theo and his two friends Bertha andGeorge.Follow them in their very amusing play rocking horse, fly a kiteand discovers many other fabulous surprises! Look at themrecuperate with a taste very appetizing ...What will they do? What will happen to them? Get it now by readingthis wonderful story!Theo is an indispensable application to stimulate creativity andimagination of children. Your child will learn the basics ofreading and spelling while having fun! A clever combination betweenentertainment and learning, who will discover the exciting world ofmultimedia in an interface adapted to their age and abilities. It -and you at the same time - will love it!Tap the screen to find a multitude of wonderful entertainment!There is always an unexpected surprise to discover!CARASTÉRISTIQUES:- Interface colorful and interactive.- 30 animated pages.- Between 2 and 6 great fun animations on each page.- Association word / image in order to facilitate learning.- Words can be repeated at will.- Writing hand typed and to accustom the eye of the child.- Summary of all words processed at the end of the book.
¡Sam no para! ¡Siempre se trae algo entre manos! Le encantadibujar, saltar en su cama elástica, jugar con sus dinosaurios...ysobre todo ¡reírse a carcajadas cuando papá le hace cosquillas!“¡Cuántas cosas hace Sam!” es un libro ideal para reforzar elaprendizaje de las primeras palabras de una manera tierna ydivertida. En esta ocasión, Sam nos ayuda a memorizar e identificaralgunos de los verbos más útiles para un niño. ¡No te lopierdas!Sam notto! Always up to something! She loves to draw, jump on yourtrampoline, playing with dinosaurs ... and especially laugh outloud when daddy tickles!"How many things does Sam!" Is an ideal book to reinforcelearning of the first words in a tender and funny. This time, Samhelps us to memorize and identify some of the most useful verbs fora child. Do not miss it!
Big and Small 1.0.0
**Now you are only small... but one day you'llbe as big as your daddy!**PlayTales presents Big and Small, an entertaining story in whichthe smallest members of the household can learn the sizes of theanimals. The story compares animal species of different sizes, froma flea to a giraffe. Dog, cat, elephant... all are includedBig and Small is a great fun tale, full of surprises to discover.It's an ideal story for the youngest kids – it develops theirimagination with sound effects and ingenious illustrations. Itincludes 14 beautiful full colour pages. Ages from 3 and up.Additional Characteristics• Guaranteed interactive surprises!!• 14 pages of full colour graphics• Text narration• Enchanting sound effects!• Original music• 'Read it myself', 'Read to me' and ‘Autoplay’ options.• For readers 3 and up
The three little pigs .
Once upon a time, there were three little pigswho needed a place to hide from a big, bad wolf. Each one of thepigs built a different house, but not all of them could stand up tothe huffing and puffing of the hungry wolf!"The Three Little Pigs" is a tender story that teaches kids theimportance of effort and persistance in achieving our goals.PlayTales presents a sweet version of this classic story, withvery young children in mind. With its fun animations, colorfulillustrations, and simple but meaningful text, "The Three LittlePigs" is a perfect story for the whole family to enjoy. Have funwith these three clever brothers and help them to escape from thefoolish wolf. Don´t miss out!
L’arca di Noè 1.0.0
*** Aiuta Noè e Noelito a sistemare tutti gli animalettisull’arca!***L’arca di Noè è una storia perfetta per i più piccoli dellacasa! Noè e Noelito devono trovare e catturare tanti animali persistemarli sull’arca.Dovranno selezionare due animali per ciascuna specie, in questomodo i loro amici non si sentiranno soli!Noelito dovrà scovare le capre in mezzo ai monti, stanare icoccodrilli nei fiumi, e far uscire i serpenti da sotto terra!L’arca di Noè ti stupirà con tante sorprese, le sue quindicipagine ti offrono coloratissime illustrazioni, tantissimeanimazioni, effetti sonori simpaticissimi, ed un’infinità dielementi interattivi per i più piccoli della casa.E senza dimenticare l’opzione Autoplay disponibile!A partire dai 3 anni in poi.Caratteristiche aggiuntive:- Sorprese interattive garantite!- 15 pagine di illustrazioni a colori.- Testo con voce narrante.- Incredibili effetti sonori.- Musiche totalmente originali.- Opzione “Lo leggo io”, “Leggimelo”, o “Autoplay”, per diversilivelli di lettura.- Per lettori dai 3 anni in poi.Help ***Noah and Noelito to fix all the animals on the ark! ***Noah's Ark is a perfect story for the children of the house!Noah and Noelito must find and catch lots of animals to place themon the ark.Will select two animals for each species, so their friends will notfeel alone!Noelito will find the goats in the mountains, dig out thecrocodiles in the rivers, and to release the snakes out of theground!Noah's Ark will amaze you with many surprises, the fifteen pagesoffer you colorful illustrations, many animations, sound effects,very nice, and a host of interactive elements for children of thehouse.And not forgetting the Autoplay option available!From 3 years old.Features:- Surprises interactive guaranteed!- 15 pages of color illustrations.- Text narrator.- Incredible sound effects.- Music wholly original.- Option "I read it I", "Read it to me," or "Autoplay", fordifferent levels of reading.- For readers aged 3 years and over.
It all started one day when Gepetto, awidowered carpinter, decided to make a beautiful wooden puppet. Henamed the puppet Pinocchio. Gepetto was a good man and he wishedwith all his heart that Pinocchio were a real boy, so that he mayhave a son. A blue fairy agreed to make Gepetto’s dream a reality,but only if Pinocchio behaved himself and learned to be a good boy.Full of love and friendship, “Pinocchio” is a wonderful storyfor the whole family that will delight young readers.Enjoy this classic tale full of adventures, journeys andunforgettable experiences, available now in Playtales.Features:-18 colorful scenes full of animations and interactivefeatures-Original music-Fun and entertaining narration-Choose between autoplay, “read to me”, and “read by myself”options
Pinocchio 1.0.0
**The story of Pinocchio, the puppet who wanted to be a real boy**The elderly carpenter Geppetto, tired of being lonely, decidestobuild a puppet modeled after a boy, which he names Pinocchio.Movedby the old carpenter´s sadness, a magic fairy brings thepuppet tolife. But the boy´s nose grows every time he lies and hemust be onhis best behavior if he wants to become a real boy. Thusbegins abeautiful adventure full of love, fun and kindness...Full of original sound effects, impeccable illustrations,andinnovative animations, this interactive story provides a funnewway to enjoy the story of Pinocchio, while preserving the charmofthis timeless classic.This interactive book is extra special because it allows youtoparticipate in the story´s narration with fourentertainingmini-games:* Now you can make your own puppet in the true Geppetto style*Control your puppet creation by touching the screen!*Answer the question game honestly or your nose will grow justlikePinocchio’s!* Also, remember that you have to tickle the whale in ordertoescape from its belly.ADDITIONAL FEATURES• Guaranteed interactive surprises!!• 21 pages of color graphics• Mini-games included!• Narration of the text• Enchanting sound effects!• Original music compositions.• Option of ´Read by myself’, ´Read to me´ and ‘Autoplay’.• For readers over 8 years old.
Pinocchio (German) 1.0.0
** PlayTales präsentiert die Geschichte von Pinocchio,derHolzpuppe, die gerne ein echter Junge aus Fleisch und Blutseinwill! **Geppetto ist ein alter Holzschnitzer, der es satt hat alleinezusein! Also entscheidet er sich dazu eine Marionette aus Holzzuschnitzen – er nennt sie Pinocchio. Eine Fee ist gerührt vonderGeschichte und beschließt der Holzpuppe Leben zuschenken.Allerdings unter einer Bedingung: Pinocchio muss sich gutverhaltenund wenn er lügt, dann wächst seine Nase jedes Mal einbisschenmehr. So beginnt das bewegende Abenteuer – voller LiebeundSpaß!Genieße den Kinderbuch-Klassiker in einer neue VersionmitAnimationen, Soundeffekten und interaktiven Elementen, diedieGeschichte unvergesslich werden lassen.Das ist aber noch nicht alles – du kannst selber TeilderGeschichte werden, mit vier lustigen Mini-Spielen.Beispielweisekannst du deine eigene Marionette basteln und sogarmit ihrspielen. Außerdem kannst du einige Fragen beantworten –abervorsicht! Du musst die Wahrheit sagen, wenn du nicht willst,dassdeine Nase wächst. Und zu guter Letzt – kitzel den großen Wal,umaus dem Bauch des Giganten herauszukommen.CHARAKTERISTIKEN:• Interaktiver Spaß garantiert!• 21 Seiten voller bunter Graphiken.• Vertonter Text.• Zauberhafte Soundeffekte!• Originelle Musik.• Auswahl zwischen den Optionen „vorlesen“ und „selberlesen“.• Geeignet für kleine Leser ab XX Jahren.**PlayTales presents the story of Pinocchio, the wooden puppet whowantsto be like a real boy of flesh and blood! **Geppetto is an old wood carver, who is tired of being alone!Sohe decides to carve a wooden puppet - he calls Pinocchio. Afairyis touched by the story of the wooden puppet and decides togivelife. But on one condition: Pinocchio must be well behaved andifhe is lying, then his nose grows each time a bit more. Sobeginsthe moving adventure - full of love and fun!Enjoy the children's book in a new version with animation,soundeffects and interactive elements that make the storymemorable.But that's not all - you can be part of the story itself,withfour fun mini-games. For example, you can craft your own puppetandeven play with her. You can also answer a few questions -butbeware! You have to tell the truth, if you do not want yournosegrows. And finally - tickling the big whale, to get out ofthebelly of the giant.FEATURES:• Interactive fun guaranteed!• 21 pages of colorful graphics.• Voiced text.• Enchanting sound effects!• Original music."Speak" • Choice of options and "show yourself".• Suitable for small readers aged XX years.
Pinocchio (Italian) 1.0.0
PlayTales presenta la storia di Pinocchio, il burattino chedesidera essere un vero bambino!Geppetto è un vecchio falegname che, stanco di vivere insolitudine, decide di costruire un burattino. Lo chiamaPinocchio.Una fata buona, commossa a causa della tristezza di Geppetto, davita al burattino, attribuendogli una particolare caratteristica:ogni volta che Pinocchio dica una bugia, gli crescerà ilnaso…Inoltre, gli promette di trasformarlo in un vero bambino, apatto che si comporti bene. Comincia così una tenera storia, pienadi amore, avventura e divertimento.Goditi la storia di questo classico racconto per ragazzi,arricchito da splendide illustrazioni, da incredibili effettisonori e da numerose animazioni, che impreziosiscono questa storiaimperdibile, piena di fascino e avventura.Ma questo racconto ti offre ancora di più! Potrai, infatti,divertirti con quattro mini-giochi, costruendo un autenticoburattino come Pinocchio, e giocare a muoverlo con i suoi fili.Inoltre potrai rispondere ad alcune domande, e se menti…ti cresceràil naso! Infine…fai il solletico alla balena per uscire dal suostomaco!Caratteristiche aggiuntive:- Sorprese interattive garantite!- 21 pagine di illustrazioni coloratissime.- Testo con voce narrante.- Incredibili effetti sonori.- Musiche originali.- Opzione “Lo leggo io” o “Leggimelo” per diversi livelli dilettura.- Per bambini a partire dai XXX in poi.PlayTalespresents the story of Pinocchio, the puppet who wants to be a realboy!Geppetto is an old carpenter who, tired of living alone, decidesto build a puppet. He calls it Pinocchio.A good fairy, moved because of the sadness of Geppetto, thepuppet to life, giving it a unique feature: Whenever Pinocchiotells a lie, the nose will grow ... In addition, promises to turnhim into a real boy, as long as you behave. Thus begins a tenderstory, full of love, adventure and fun.Enjoy the history of this classic tale for children, enriched bysplendid illustrations, from amazing sound effects and numerousanimations which embellish this story not to be missed, full ofcharm and adventure.But this story gives you even more! You can, in fact, have funwith four mini-games, building an authentic Marionette Pinocchio,move and play with his strings. You can also answer a fewquestions, and if you lie ... you grow your nose! Finally ...tickle the whale to get out of his stomach!Features:- Surprises interactive guaranteed!- 21 pages of colorful illustrations.- Text narrator.- Incredible sound effects.- Original Music.- Option "I read it I" or "Read it to me" for different levels ofreading.- For children from XXX onwards.
Pinóquio (Brasileiro) 1.0.0
PlayTales apresenta a história de Pinóquio, o boneco que queriaserum menino de verdadeGepeto era um velho carpinteiro, que, cansado da solidão,decidiuconstruir um boneco de madeira, que ele chamou de Pinóquio.Tocadapela tristeza do velho carpinteiro, uma fada mágica deu vidaaoboneco, ao que iria crescer o nariz sempre que mentia e quedeveriase comportar bem, se quisesse se tornar um menino deverdade. Começaentão uma maravilhosa aventura cheia de amor,diversão e ternura...Aproveite a narração deste clássico da literaturainfantil,ilustrada por animações cuidadísimas e repletas de efeitossonorose elementos interativos inovadores que dão a esta históriaimortalum olhar renovado, sem perder o seu encanto de sempre.Mas o conto vai além, porque agora você pode participardanarração da história através de quatro divertidos mini-jogos.Vocêpode fazer o seu próprio boneco no estilo de Gepeto, e inclusotema opção de manusear esses fantoches. Também deverá dizer averdadea algumas perguntas, se não quiser que cresça o seu nariz e,porúltimo, terá que fazer cócegas na baleia para escapar doestômagodesse gigante mamífero.Caracteristicas adicionais• Surpresas interativas garantidas!• 21 páginas de gráficos em cores.• Narração de texto.• Encantadores efeitos de som!• Música Original.• Opção "Ler eu mesmo", "Leia-me" e "Autoplay".• Para leitores a partir de oito anos.PlayTalespresents the story of Pinocchio, the puppet who wanted tobe a realboyGeppetto was an old carpenter, who, tired of loneliness,decidedto build a wooden puppet, which he called Pinocchio. Touchedby thesadness of old carpenter, a magic fairy gave life to thepuppet, itwould grow its nose where it should lie and behave well,if Iwanted to become a real boy. Then begins an amazingadventurefilled with love, tenderness and fun ...Enjoy the narration of this classic of children'sliterature,illustrated by cuidadísimas animations and plenty ofsound effectsand innovative interactive elements that give thisimmortal story afresh look without losing its charm ever.But the story goes further, because now you can participateinstorytelling through four fun mini-games. You can make yourowndoll in the style of Geppetto, and even have the option ofhandlingthese puppets. You should also tell the truth to somequestions, ifyou want to grow your nose and, lastly, that willtickle the whaleto escape the belly of this giant mammal.Additional Characteristics• Surprises interactive guaranteed!• 21 pages of color graphics.• Narration text.• Lovely sound effects!• Original Music.• Option "Read Myself", "Read me" and "Autoplay".• For readers from eight.
Pedro y el lobo (Latino)
Érase una vez, un pastorcillo bromista llamadoPedro al que le encantaba tomar el pelo a sus vecinos. De tantobromear, la gente acabó por no tomarlo en serio y el día quenecesitó ayuda de verdad… ¡nadie le creía!Con “Pedro y el lobo”, los más pequeños de la casa disfrutaránde un clásico de toda la vida gracias a sus divertidas animaciones,tiernas ilustraciones y un texto pensado especialmente para losniños que empiezan a leer.Vive en familia una aventura inolvidable cargada de sorpresas yaprende con los tuyos las enseñanzas de los grandes clásicos. ¿Aqué estás esperando?Once upon a time, ashepherd boy called Peter joker who loved to tease your neighbors.From time to joke, people ended up not taking it seriously and theday I really needed help ... no one believed him!With "Peter and the Wolf", the smallest of the house enjoy alifelong classic thanks to its fun animations, tender illustrationsand text designed especially for children beginning to read.Lives in a charged Goodie family and learn with your ownteachings of the great classics unforgettable adventure. So whatare you waiting for?
I tre porcellini 1.0.0
I tre porcellini è la storia di tre graziosi animaletti, che vivonoin un bosco, e costruiscono una casetta per difendersi da un lupoferoce...Scopri con noi una delle favole più famose, che tutti i bambinidovrebbero conoscere!Questa bella storia è arricchita da animazioni, suoni e immaginicoloratissime affinché i nostri bambini possano divertirsileggendo!CARATTERISTICHE:• Racconto originale.• Testo con voce narrante.• Immagini coloratissime e divertenti• Ogni pagina è dotata di suoni e animazioni.The ThreeLittle Pigs is the story of three very cute animals that live inthe woods, and build a house to defend against a ferocious wolf ...Discover with us one of the most famous fairy tales, that allchildren should know!This beautiful story is enriched with animations, sounds andcolorful images so that our children can have fun reading!FEATURES:• Original Story.• Text with narration.• Images colorful and fun• Each page is provided with sounds and animation.
Mes amies les planètes 1.0.0
*** Voyage au cœur du système solaire avec PlayTales!***N’aimerais-tu pas voyager dans l’espace? T’imagines-tu la vied’un astronaute? Mes amies les planètes est une promenade a traversle système solaire, où tu connaitras chacune des huit planètes quile forment.En commençant par Mercure, la planète la plus rapide, jusqu’àNeptune, la plus frileuse de toutes les sœurs de cette famillespatiale.De plus, il y a des mini-jeux et des activités dans ce conte quit’aideront à apprendre les chiffres, les formes et lesparticularités de chaque planète…Tu deviendras un expertastronome!Cela va beaucoup te plaire!Caractéristiques spéciales• Divertissement interactif garanti• Illustrations colorées.• Texte narratif avec voix.• Musique et effets sonores originaux.• Option “Raconte-moi”, “Je lis moi-même” et “Autoplay”.• Adapté aux enfants de 3 ans et plus.***Journey to the heart of the solar system with PlayTales! ***Do you like to travel in space? Can you imagine the life of anastronaut? My friends planets is a walk through the solar system,you will know where each of the eight planets that form.Starting with Mercury, the planet faster to Neptune, the mostcautious of all the sisters of this family space.In addition, there are mini-games and activities in this storythat will help you learn numbers, shapes and features of eachplanet ... You will become an expert astronomer!This goes far to please you!Special Features• Interactive entertainment guaranteed• Illustrations colored.• Text with narrative voice.• Original music and sound effects.• Option "Tell me", "I read it myself" and "Autoplay".• Suitable for children aged 3 years and over.
Segredos da lua 1.0.0
Segredos da lua é uma fascinante aplicação queajuda as criançasainiciarem no mágico mundo dos livros.Através deste magnífico conto interativo, que incluianimaçõestáteis, uma doce e mística narração, texto em inglês,espanhol eportuguês e divertidas surpresas. As crianças aprendembrincando edá asas a sua imaginação.O que é a lua para uma criança? Esta maravilhosa históriailustradaoferece a possibilidade de ver a lua através da inocênciade umacriança. Originalmente foi escrita para queas crianças possamseinspirar e ter pensamentos agradáveis e belos sonhos. Aaplicaçãoinclui o texto e narração deste místico e doceconto.Segredos da lua é uma aplicação indispensável para odesenvolvimentoda capacidade criativa e imaginativa da criança,além deintroduzi-la de forma simples ao fascinante mundomultimídia, aomesmo tempo, que diverte e distrai.Tudo issoenquanto lê e escutaeste conto mágico.Segredos da lua é interativo e inclui animações dentro do contoparacomplementar assim a aprendizagem, e permitir as criançasjogar einteratuar com os diversos elementos a medida que ahistóriaavança.Livro interativo recomendado para crianças ade 4 anos em diante.Secretsofthe Moon is a fascinating application queajuda children toengagein the magical world of books.Through this magnificent interactive tale, which includestactileanimations, and a sweet mystical narration, text inEnglish,Spanish and Portuguese and fun surprises. Children learn byplayingand gives wings to your imagination.What is the moon to a child? This wonderfully illustratedstoryoffers the opportunity to see the moon through the innocenceof achild. Originally written for queas children can be inspiredandthink pleasant thoughts and beautiful dreams. Theapplicationincludes the text and narration of this mystical andsweettale.Moon Secrets is an indispensable application for the developmentofcreative and imaginative child, and introduce it simplyfascinatingto the multimedia world, while amusing and distrai.Tudoit whilereading and listening to this magical tale.Secrets of the Moon is interactive and includes animationswithinthe story to complement the learning well, and allow childrentoplay and interact with the various elements as thestoryprogresses.Interactive book recommended for children 4 years onwardsade.
Pinocho HD 1.0.0
**PlayTales presenta la historia de Pinocho, la marioneta quequeríaser un niño de verdad**Geppetto era un viejo carpintero, que, harto de lasoledad,decidió construir la marioneta de un niño, a la que llamóPinocho.Conmovida por la tristeza del viejo carpintero, un hadamágica diovida a la marioneta, al que le crecería la nariz cada vezquemintiese y que debía portarse bien si quería convertirse en unniñode verdad. Ahí arranca una preciosa aventura llena deamor,diversión y ternura...Disfruta de la narración de este clásico de laliteraturainfantil, ilustrado con cuidadísimas animaciones yplagado deefectos sonoros y novedosos elementos interactivos, queofrecen aeste relato inmortal un remozado aspecto, sin perder suencanto desiempre.Pero el cuento va más allá, ya que ahora te permite participarenla narración de la historia mediante cuatro divertidosmini-juegos.Porque ya puedes hacer tu propia marioneta al más puroestiloGeppetto; e incluso tienes la opción de manejar a estostíteres.También deberás decir la verdad a algunas preguntas si noquieresque te crezca la nariz y, por último, haz cosquillas a laballenapara escapar del estómago del mamífero.Características adicionales• ¡¡Sorpresas interactivas garantizadas!!• 21 páginas de gráficos a color.• Narración del texto.• ¡Encantadores efectos sonoros!• Música original.• Opción ‘Leerlo yo mismo’ , ‘Léemelo’ y ‘Autoplay’.• Para lectores de +8 años.PlayTales** presents the story of Pinocchio, the puppet who wantedto be areal boy **Geppetto was an old carpenter, who, tired of loneliness,decidedto build a child's puppet, which he called Pinocchio.Touched bythe sadness of the old carpenter, a magical fairy gavelife to thepuppet, which nose would grow whenever lied and shouldbehave wellif he wanted to become a real boy. That started awonderfuladventure full of love, fun and tenderness ...Enjoy the narration of this classic of children'sliterature,illustrated fraught cuidadísimas animations and soundeffects andinnovative interactive elements that give this storyimmortal arevamped look, without losing its charm forever.But the story goes further, because now you can participateinstorytelling through four fun mini-games. Because you can makeyourown puppet Geppetto-style, and even have the option to managethesepuppets. You should also tell the truth to some questions ifyou donot want to grow the nose and finally, tickle the whale toescapethe mammalian stomach.Additional Features• guaranteed interactive surprises!• 21 pages of color graphics.• Text Narration.• Enchanting sound effects!• Original Music.• Option 'Read it myself', 'Read it to me' and 'Autoplay'.• For readers +8 years.
My After School Activity
Today you get to choose your favorite afterschool activity. You have to hurry! Spots are limited! But it's notgoing to be easy to choose because...all of them are so much fun!Would you like to be the photographer of the school paper? Or doall kinds of arts and crafts? How's it sound training to be a realblack belt? Or a master chef?
Meus amigos Planetas 1.0.0
***Viaje pelo Sistema Solar com PlayTales!***Você não gostaria de viajar pelo espaço? Você imagina como éavida de um astronauta? Meus Amigos. os Planetas, é um passeiopelosistema solar onde conhecerá a cada um dos oito planetas queocompõe.Começando por Mercúrio, o planeta mais veloz, até chegar a Netuno,omais friorento de todos os irmãos desta família espacial.Além disso, neste conto há minijogos e atividades que lhe ajudarãoaaprender os nomes, formas e peculiaridades de cada planeta..Vocêserá convertido num excelente astrônomo!Você vai ficar encantado!!CARACTERÍSTICAS ESPECIAIS• Diversão garantida.• Ilustrações a cores.• Texto narrado com voz.♫ Música e efeitos de som original.• Opções de ”Leia-me”, “Leio eu mesmo” e “Autoplay”.• Adaptado para crianças de 3 anos em diante.***Travelthe solar system with PlayTales! ***You would not want to travel through space? You imagine whatlifeis like for an astronaut? My Friends. Planets, is a tourthrough thesolar system will know where each of the eight planetsthat composeit.Starting with Mercury, the planet faster, until you get toNeptune,the most chilly of all brothers in this family space.Moreover, this tale's minigames and activities that will helpyoulearn the names, shapes and peculiarities of each planet ..Youwill be converted into an excellent astronomer!You will be delighted!SPECIAL FEATURES• Guaranteed fun.• Illustrations in color.• Text with narrated voice.♫ Music and original sound effects.• Options "Read Me", "I read myself" and "Autoplay".• Adapted for children 3 years and older.
Pinocchio HD 1.0.0
**The story of Pinocchio, the puppet who wanted to be a real boy**The elderly carpenter Geppetto, tired of being lonely, decidestobuild a puppet modeled after a boy, which he names Pinocchio.Movedby the old carpenter´s sadness, a magic fairy brings thepuppet tolife. But the boy´s nose grows every time he lies and hemust be onhis best behavior if he wants to become a real boy. Thusbegins abeautiful adventure full of love, fun and kindness...Full of original sound effects, impeccable illustrations,andinnovative animations, this interactive story provides a funnewway to enjoy the story of Pinocchio, while preserving the charmofthis timeless classic.This interactive book is extra special because it allows youtoparticipate in the story´s narration with fourentertainingmini-games:* Now you can make your own puppet in the true Geppetto style*Control your puppet creation by touching the screen!*Answer the question game honestly or your nose will grow justlikePinocchio’s!* Also, remember that you have to tickle the whale in ordertoescape from its belly.ADDITIONAL FEATURES• Guaranteed interactive surprises!!• 21 pages of color graphics• Mini-games included!• Narration of the text• Enchanting sound effects!• Original music compositions.• Option of ´Read by myself’, ´Read to me´ and ‘Autoplay’.• For readers over 8 years old.
Pinocchio HD (Italian) 1.0.0
PlayTales presenta la storia di Pinocchio, il burattino chedesidera essere un vero bambino!Geppetto è un vecchio falegname che, stanco di vivere insolitudine, decide di costruire un burattino. Lo chiamaPinocchio.Una fata buona, commossa a causa della tristezza di Geppetto, davita al burattino, attribuendogli una particolare caratteristica:ogni volta che Pinocchio dica una bugia, gli crescerà ilnaso…Inoltre, gli promette di trasformarlo in un vero bambino, apatto che si comporti bene. Comincia così una tenera storia, pienadi amore, avventura e divertimento.Goditi la storia di questo classico racconto per ragazzi,arricchito da splendide illustrazioni, da incredibili effettisonori e da numerose animazioni, che impreziosiscono questa storiaimperdibile, piena di fascino e avventura.Ma questo racconto ti offre ancora di più! Potrai, infatti,divertirti con quattro mini-giochi, costruendo un autenticoburattino come Pinocchio, e giocare a muoverlo con i suoi fili.Inoltre potrai rispondere ad alcune domande, e se menti…ti cresceràil naso! Infine…fai il solletico alla balena per uscire dal suostomaco!Caratteristiche aggiuntive:- Sorprese interattive garantite!- 21 pagine di illustrazioni coloratissime.- Testo con voce narrante.- Incredibili effetti sonori.- Musiche originali.- Opzione “Lo leggo io” o “Leggimelo” per diversi livelli dilettura.- Per bambini a partire dai XXX in poi.PlayTalespresents the story of Pinocchio, the puppet who wants to be a realboy!Geppetto is an old carpenter who, tired of living alone, decidesto build a puppet. He calls it Pinocchio.A good fairy, moved because of the sadness of Geppetto, thepuppet to life, giving it a unique feature: Whenever Pinocchiotells a lie, the nose will grow ... In addition, promises to turnhim into a real boy, as long as you behave. Thus begins a tenderstory, full of love, adventure and fun.Enjoy the history of this classic tale for children, enriched bysplendid illustrations, from amazing sound effects and numerousanimations which embellish this story not to be missed, full ofcharm and adventure.But this story gives you even more! You can, in fact, have funwith four mini-games, building an authentic Marionette Pinocchio,move and play with his strings. You can also answer a fewquestions, and if you lie ... you grow your nose! Finally ...tickle the whale to get out of his stomach!Features:- Surprises interactive guaranteed!- 21 pages of colorful illustrations.- Text narrator.- Incredible sound effects.- Original Music.- Option "I read it I" or "Read it to me" for different levels ofreading.- For children from XXX onwards.
Todo comenzó un día en que Gepetto, uncarpintero viudo, decidió crear una preciosa marioneta de madera depino a la que llamó Pinocho. Gepetto era un hombre bueno y deseabacon todas sus fuerzas que Pinocho fuera un niño de verdad así que,el hada azul decidió hacer su sueño realidad, pero, Pinocho deberíaaprender a ser un buen niño y a portarse bien.‘Pinocho’ es un cuento para toda la familia que hará lasdelicias de los más pequeños de la casa con historiasdivertidísimas cargadas de amor y amistad.Disfruta de una historia repleta de aventuras, viajes yexperiencias inolvidables. Vuelven los clásicos, vuelve 'Pinocho'disponible ahora en PlayTales.Características del cuento:18 escenas repletas de color, animación e interactividadMúsica originalNarración del texto amena y divertidaOpciones autoplay, “léemelo” y “leerlo yo mismo”It all started one daywhen Gepetto, a widowed carpenter, decided to create a beautifulpine wooden puppet that was called Pinocchio. Gepetto was a goodman and wished with all his might that Pinocchio be a real boy so,the blue fairy decided to make his dream come true, but Pinocchiomust learn to be a good boy and behave.Pinocchio is a story for the whole family that will delight thelittle ones of the house with hilarious stories full of love andfriendship.Enjoy a story full of adventure, travel and unforgettableexperiences. The return of the classic, returns Pinocchio PlayTalesavailable now.Features story:18 scenes full of color, animation and interactivityOriginal MusicNarrative text enjoyable and funAutoplay options, "read to me" and "read it myself"
Pinocho. (Latinoamericano)
Todo comenzó un día en que Gepetto, uncarpintero viudo, decidió crear una preciosa marioneta de madera depino a la que llamó Pinocho. Gepetto era un hombre bueno y deseabacon todas sus fuerzas que Pinocho fuera un niño de verdad así que,el hada azul decidió hacer su sueño realidad, pero, Pinocho deberíaaprender a ser un buen niño y a portarse bien.‘Pinocho’ es un cuento para toda la familia que hará lasdelicias de los más pequeños de la casa con historiasdivertidísimas cargadas de amor y amistad.Disfruta de una historia repleta de aventuras, viajes yexperiencias inolvidables. Vuelven los clásicos, vuelve 'Pinocho'disponible ahora en PlayTales.Características del cuento:18 escenas repletas de color, animación e interactividadMúsica originalNarración del texto amena y divertidaOpciones autoplay, “léemelo” y “leerlo yo mismo”It all started one daywhen Gepetto, a widowed carpenter, decided to create a beautifulpine wooden puppet that was called Pinocchio. Gepetto was a goodman and wished with all his might that Pinocchio be a real boy so,the blue fairy decided to make his dream come true, but Pinocchiomust learn to be a good boy and behave.Pinocchio is a story for the whole family that will delight thelittle ones of the house with hilarious stories full of love andfriendship.Enjoy a story full of adventure, travel and unforgettableexperiences. The return of the classic, returns Pinocchio PlayTalesavailable now.Features story:18 scenes full of color, animation and interactivityOriginal MusicNarrative text enjoyable and funAutoplay options, "read to me" and "read it myself"
The Wizard of Oz
Dorothy and her little dog Toto live ordinarylives on a beautiful farm in Kansas. Until one day a giant tornadoarrives and carries them to a faraway land, called OZ.Dorothy is afraid she will never be able to return home. Luckilyhowever, Dorothy meets the Good Witch of the South who tells herthat if she follows the yellow brick road, she’ll find the greatWizard of Oz and hecan help her get home!Join Dorothy and Toto as they embark on their grand adventurethrough the magical land of OZ, meeting new friends along theway!This adaptation of Lyman Frank Baum’s classic story with simpletext and fun colors is perfect for all ages!
Melody Street 1.0.0
“The House On Melody Street” interactive eBooktells the heart-warming story of the instruments of the orchestralearning to live in harmony.The storyline, written in rhymes and set to a symphonic score,includes lessons about friendship, tolerance, and mutualunderstanding. The musical score represents different dialoguesbetween the various characters, portraying each one with its ownunique sound. Children are introduced to the musical families ofthe orchestra- Strings, Woodwinds, Percussion, Brass and Pluck, andlearn to recognize them by look, sound, character and familyorientation.The first chapter introduces the five story house in which themusical instrument families live. Children get to interact and formpersonal relationships with each of the lovable characters throughfun and imagination filled touch-screen activities. As the storyunfolds in the following chapters, we discover that living togetheris no easy task, when one isn’t willing to accept the other'suniqueness. Timpani Tim is too loud, Old Lady Harp's cat goesthrough the trash, Sammy Snare is rowdy and Terry Trombone'scooking smells. But on one sunny morning, a new neighbor arrivesand comes up with a plan to help them live in harmony.Listen to the sound of each instrument and follow along with thestory... you will discover a new surprising interactive featurewith every read! This app is wonderful for children and theirdevelopment through fun activities and entertaining musicaleducation."All who read and listen will enjoy this adventure into themusic world, while learning some life long values". - Donna Rolfe,The Dove Foundation.About the creators:WHAT IS MELODY STREET?"Melody Street introduces children to the wonderful world of music.We carry a message that is pure at heart, fully artistic andoverwhelmingly beneficial to the mental, social, and of coursemusical development of children. Our goals are simple- to connectchildren with music, and to teach them about the importance ofliving in harmony. We invite you and your loved ones to the magicalmusical world of Melody Street and encourage you to explore,experience, and enjoy." The Melody Street TeamFEATURES:- Introduction to 18 different musical instruments.- Child friendly interactive interface on each page.- Narrated by musical prodigy, Ethan Bortnick.- Auto play version that plays like a movie.- Fluid design with animation.- For ages 3+.
Die Haus- Maus HD 1.0.0
**¡Entdecke die kleinen Wunder, die du finden kannst, wenn dueinfach nur drauβen spazieren gehst! **Die Hauptfigur dieser Geschichte ist ein kleines Mäuschen, dasniemals sein Haus verlässt. Eines Tages nimmt es seinen ganzen Mutzusammen und getrieben von der Neugierde, beschlieβt es auf dieStraβe zu gehen und herauszufinden was es dort drauβen gibt...Genau so wie unser kleiner Freund, kannst du alle möglichenLandschaften und Tiere erleben und mit den sympathischen Figurendieser animierten Geschichte interagieren.“Die Haus- Maus” ist einen Geschichte, die PlayTales für Kinderab 3 Jahren empfiehlt. Sie enthält einfach Animationen und Mini-Spiele, damit sich die Kinder (und auch die Erwachsenen!) beimLesen amüsieren.Weitere Charakteristiken:• Interaktive Überraschungen garantiert!!• 12 Seiten voller farbenfroher Grafiken.• Vertonter Text.• Wundervolle Soundeffekte!• Originelle Musik.• Auswahl zwischen den Optionen „vorlesen“ und „selberlesen“.• Für Leser ab 3 Jahren.¡**Discover the small wonders, you can find if you just go for a walkdrauβen only! **The main character of this story is a little mouse who neverleaves his house. One day it takes up all his courage, and drivenby curiosity, it beschlieβt on the street to go and find out what'sthere ... drauβenJust like our little friend, you can experience all kinds oflandscapes and animals and interact with the endearing charactersof this animated story."The house-mouse" is a story that should play Tales for childrenfrom 3 years. It includes simple animations and mini-games to keepthe children amused (and adults too!) When reading.Other characteristics:• Interactive surprises guaranteed!• 12 pages full of colorful illustrations.• Voiced text.• Great sound effects!• Original music."Speak" • Choice of options and "show yourself".• For readers aged 3 years.
A Bela ea Fera 1.0.0
** E se uma Bela jovem se apaixona por uma terrível Fera? **PlayTales incorpora a sua galeria um dos clássicos mais popularesdaliteratura infantil, A Bela ea Fera.Linda história de amor entre uma jovem gentil e uma terrívelfera.Ou não tão terrível. Porque por trás de sua aparência feia,seesconde grandes sentimentos, um grande coração, e muita ternuraeamor por sua jovem amada.Mas esta linda história de amor começa de forma bruta. AFera,autoritaria e isolada no início, aprisiona um negociantequeprocura uma rosa para uma de suas filhas e, quase por engano,éintroduzido no covil da criatura horrível. O homem, doentevoltapara seu lar, mas em troca uma de suas filhas deve viver comFeraem sua casa. Aí começa esta história de amor curiosa ecativanteentre Bella ea Fera.A história demonstra, mais uma vez, que a verdadeira belezavivedentro das pessoas e vai além de mera aparência física.Com ilustrações lindas e coloridas que irão deliciar osmaispequenos, graças ao grande número de elementos interativos esomincorporado. A partir de 8 anos. Imprescindível emsuacoleção!Características Adicionais• Supresas interativas garantidas!• 14 páginas de gráficos em cores.• Narração de texto.• efeitos de som encantador!• Música Original.• Opção "Leia-me" ou "ler para mim".• Para leitores a partir de oito anos.** And ifayoung Bela falls for a terrible Beast? **PlayTales incorporates your gallery one of the most popularclassicsof children's literature, Beauty and the Beast.Beautiful love story between a young man and a gentleterriblebeast. Or not so terrible. Because behind their uglyappearance,hides great feeling, a great heart and a lot oftenderness and lovefor her young lover.But this beautiful love story begins on a gross basis. TheBeast,authoritarian and isolated at first, imprisons a merchantlookingfor a rose to one of his daughters and, almost by mistake,isintroduced into the lair of the hideous creature. The man,sickback to his home, but in exchange one of his daughters shouldlivewith the Beast in your home. So begins this curious lovestorybetween Bella and captivating and the Beast.History demonstrates, once again, that true beauty liveswithinpeople and goes beyond mere physical appearance.With beautiful and colorful illustrations that will delightthelittle ones, thanks to the large number of interactive elementsandembedded sound. From 8 years. A must in your collection!Features• guaranteed interactive surprises!• 14 pages of color graphics.• Narration text.• lovely sound effects!• Original Music.• Option "Read me" or "read to me".• For readers from eight.
A Lebre ea Tartaruga 1.0.0
Você acha que uma tartaruga seria capaz de vencer uma lebre em umacorrida?Ainda que pareça estranho, está história ilustrativa nosapresenta dois personagens antagônicos que competem em umadivertida prova de velocidade .Por um lado, a versão amável e simpática de uma tartarugaquerida por todos os animais. E do outro lado, a parte maisnegativa de uma lebre arrogante,e mal educada. No final, a queridatartaruga acaba ganhando a corrida, mesmo com o excesso deconfiança de seu rival.Em Playtales demonstramos que tudo é possível no mundo dashistórias! Essa fábula essencial mostra que o excesso de confiançaou arrogância não são boas conselheiras para alcançar os objetivose que, pelo contrário, com esforço e sacrificio podemos conseguir oque nos propusemos.Nestas quase 20 páginas você vai desfrutar em primeira pessoadesta corrida exemplar, de nossos dois protagonistas e dos animaisque os acompanham. Com uma série de efeitos interativos eilustrações vistosas e coloridas.Características adicionais:• Adaptado para crianças a partir de 6 anos.• 20 páginas cheias de diversão.• Gráficos adaptados para crianças.• Narração de texto.• Efeitos sonoros fantásticos!* Trilha sonora original.• Opções "ler para mim" e "leia-me".• Diversão interativa garantida!Do youthink a turtle would be able to beat a hare in a race?Although it seems strange, is illustrative story presents uswith two antagonistic characters competing in a fun race speed.On the one hand, the kind and friendly version of a belovedturtle for all animals. And on the other hand, the most negative ofa hare arrogant and rude. In the end, the baby turtle ends upwinning the race, even with the overconfidence of its rival.In Playtales demonstrate that anything is possible in the worldof stories! This fable shows that essential overconfidence orarrogance are not good counselors to meet the goals and that, onthe contrary, with effort and sacrifice we can achieve what we setout.In those nearly 20 pages you'll enjoy this first-person racingexemplary of our two protagonists and animals that accompany them.With a series of interactive effects and showy and colorfulillustrations.Additional Features:• Suitable for children from 6 years.• 20 pages full of fun.• Graphics adapted for children.• Narration text.• Sound effects fantastic!* Original soundtrack.• Options "read to me" and "readme".• Fun interactive guaranteed!
I tre porcellini HD 1.0.0
I tre porcellini è la storia di tre graziosi animaletti, che vivonoin un bosco, e costruiscono una casetta per difendersi da un lupoferoce...Scopri con noi una delle favole più famose, che tutti i bambinidovrebbero conoscere!Questa bella storia è arricchita da animazioni, suoni e immaginicoloratissime affinché i nostri bambini possano divertirsileggendo!CARATTERISTICHE:• Racconto originale.• Testo con voce narrante.• Immagini coloratissime e divertenti• Ogni pagina è dotata di suoni e animazioni.The ThreeLittle Pigs is the story of three very cute animals that live inthe woods, and build a house to defend against a ferocious wolf ...Discover with us one of the most famous fairy tales, that allchildren should know!This beautiful story is enriched with animations, sounds andcolorful images so that our children can have fun reading!FEATURES:• Original Story.• Text with narration.• Images colorful and fun• Each page is provided with sounds and animation.
Der Zauberer von Oz
Dorothy und ihr kleiner Hund Toto lebten aufeiner schönen Farm in Kansas, bis ein heftiger Tornado sie an einenfernen und magischen Ort namens Oz wehte!Dorothy fragte sich, wie sie wohl jemals wieder nach Hause kommensollte, bis die gute Hexe des Südens ihr riet, dem gelben Boden zufolgen, bis sie zum Zauberer von Oz gelange. Nur er kann helfen!Dorothy und Toto machten sich auf die abenteuerliche Reise undfanden auf ihrem Weg viele Freunde!Diese Adaption der Geschichte von Lyman Frank Baum ist einfachgeschrieben. Auf den bunten Seiten können die Kleinen ihrerPhantasie freien Lauf lassen und lernen gleichzeitig einen derschönsten Klassiker kennen!
Il mago di Oz
Dorothy viveva in una bella fattoria nelKansas assieme al suo cagnolino Totò; ma un brutto giorno, untremendo uragano li trascinò in un luogo magico e sperduto chiamatoOz.Mentre Dorothy si domandava come sarebbe potuta tornare a casa,la Strega Buona del Sud le suggerì di seguire il cammino dellemattonelle gialle per raggiungere il grande Mago di Oz. Solo luiavrebbe potuto aiutarla!E così…ha inizio l’avventura di Dorothy e Totò; nel loro viaggioandranno incontro a tante sorprese e conosceranno tanti nuoviamici!Non perdetevi questo adattamento del racconto di Lyman FrankBaum; i testi semplici e le immagini coloratissime sono idealiaffinché i più piccoli possano godere di un grande classico!
Halloween Party (Deutsch) 1.0.0
Die Bewohner des Terrorhauses fassen alle mit an und beginnen ihrLieblingsfest zu organisieren: die Halloween Party!Doch wer hat hier was von Angst gesagt? Die sypmathischenMonster, naschsüchtigen Vampire und viele weitere Überraschungensorgen für eine gelungene Halloween Party. Es ist das perfekte Buchfür die Allerkleinsten um diesen besonderen Tag zu geniessen. TrauDich mit dieser schrecklich lustigen Geschichte!Die desTerrorhauses fassen Bewohner alle mit ihr Lieblingsfest an und zubeginnen organisieren: die Halloween Party!Doch von Wer hat Angst was gesagt hier? Sypmathischen DieMonster, Vampire naschsüchtigen viele weitere und für einegelungene Überraschungen sorgen Halloween Party. Es ist das Buchfür die Allerkleinsten perfekte should give besonderen Tag um zugeniessen. Trau Dich mit Geschichte dieser schrecklichlustigen!
training your dragon! 1.0.0
**Get ready, you’re about to open the first and only manualontraining your dragon! Humor and good practical advice galore!**Who wants a pet? Well, it’s better to ask – who doesn’t wantapet?! Just because your friends have cats, dogs or hamstersdoesn’tmean you have to stop dreaming right there. So, how abouttraininga real dragon?..Of course, everyone knows that having clean hands and earsisessential when dealing with your average dragon, butthisdragon-training book goes into depth about how to impose andfollowmany other important rules in your daily life.Children will delight in the fun illustrations ofthepredominantly familiar surroundings of a living room, bedroomandplayground where the most unusual creature – a three-headeddragon– lives, sleeps and plays just as other children do. Doesn’tthismean that he needs to be taught some rules, too?Through easy to read prose and colorful graphics, thisamusingbook encourages positive behavior as children see howrewarding itis to be responsible and kind. Through the metaphorictraining of adragon your child will understand better the effectsthat his wordsand actions have on the well being of others.Additionally, young readers can use this simple book asalaunching point for imagination and discussion about theirfavoritepets, and the basic rules for keeping them happy andhealthy.ADDED FEATURES!• 12 pages to enjoy.• Colorful and child-friendly illustrations• Text narration.• Fantastic sound effects!♫ Original classical music and sound effects.• ‘Read by myself’ and ‘Read to me’ options.• Ages 3 and up